+372 5343 9526



#1 Virtual Reality Time Travelling Attractions in Estonia

It’s not a Museum, It’s a Place of Lost Worlds


VR Tallinn 1939/44
Wed. – Sun. 11 am – 6 pm

VR Toila 1938
upon reservation

VR Tartu 1913
upon reservation


VR Tallinn 1939/44
Freedom Square 9, Tallinn

VR Toila 1938
Oru Park, Toila, East-Estonia

VR Tartu 1913
Arch Bridge (Kaarsild), Tartu


Like to Visit the VR experiences?
Tickets are available online

See The Range
of Virtual Reality Experiences
We Have

We offer virtual reality (VR) time travelling experience in three locations – Tallinn, Toila and Tartu. Please look at the specific opening hours and tickets under each attraction.

VR Toila 1938

VR Tartu 1913

Upcoming Events

The latest events across our different locations

11. mai kell 13:00, 15:00

The challenge

Peeking into the past isn’t difficult at all.
You can look at old photos, read books or you can just look up into the starry sky, and what you see is the past. If we wish to see more than the starry sky from your or mankind’s past, we need the help of modern technology.

The initiative

You, me – we all are history

The impact

A person’s life lasts about 650,000 hours and, in the end, we do not remember days, only moments. But some moments from the past of mankind are like the supernovas, worth of a second glimpse. So, we invite you to wear our rose-coloured glasses to travel in time and to see the moments worth remembering and revisiting.
